Sunday 12 August 2012

Introverted Girl With Something To Say

I am an introvert.
I enjoy spending time with me, reading a good book, writing fiction that may seem more real than reality at that moment, watching a riveting episode of Naruto or Bleach. It is not something I consider a flaw, as some indiscreet people have tried to suggest. I like being quiet and immersed in my private imaginary world (and I think that's what makes me a good writer and hopefully a bestselling one one day).
But every now and again I find myself craving actually human contact that does not include silences so loud I get headaches from them.
That's not to say that I'm shy (unless of course there is a roomful of people staring at me and the insistent image of me falling on my face is running through my head). I can be quite the animated and down right ridiculous in the right situation with the right people but when I'm out of my comfort zone, I only feel the urge to say something that I consider important. For that reason I have been labeled "rude", "weird", "uppity" and quite a bit more adjectives that either make it seem like I just got evicted from the rock I've lived under my entire life or that I think I'm better that everyone else.
I have to say that I'm quite okay with the "weird" title though. I don't fit into the "normal" mold and I don't want to, because to my way of thinking, there is no such thing. We've all unique and maybe if we all embraced that, there would not be so much uncalled for drama.
I thought blogging would make that "meet and greet", awkward first meeting easier. The ability to plan what I have to say should have been a godsend. It hasn't been, at least not from my previous attempts. In fact I find it harder to relax and be me on the cyber universe just because the spontaneity is taken away and over thinker that I am, my posts always seemed to lack something. But I figured it out. There was not enough of Arianne in my posts.
Therefore, it's time for a change. I have made a middle of the year resolution to "just go with it" when it comes to blogging and meeting new people.There will probably still be some awkwardness but maybe that will just make life and blogging all the more interesting.
Hope we have an interesting time together.

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